
The No.1 Boa constrictor site on the web
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This website provides you with the most comprehensive information on boa constrictor in the internet. The information is for free and without advertisements. If you consider the content of our website useful we would be happy about a donation since the website is generating costs and we don't want to spoil it with ads. If you like, you can donate to our paypal account dragon@rmc.de. Thank you!
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Welcome on the most comprehensive website about true boa constrictors on the internet!
About us:
► We are proud to keep one of the worldwide most significant collections of pristine wildlife forms of Boa constrictors
► We are internationally renowned boa constrictor specialists. So far we have published 6 reference books about boas and pythons. Some of them were also translated and published in English and French language.
► We keep and breed only pristine wildlife forms of Boa constrictor ("purebred Boa constrictors") und some aberrant variants who descended from pristine wildlife forms without our breeder's intervention
► It was us who introduced the philosphy to keep and breed only pristine wildlife forms of Boa constrictor in order to preserve these beings as they occur in the wild. This was already in the mid 90ies
► It was mainly thanks to our effort that this breeding philosophy is firmly established now. Therefore one could say that we are the pioneers of pure breeding
► If you want to acquire a purebred boa constrictor we are the first point of call. 20 years of experience speak for themselves
What do we stand for?
We are opposed to breeding different subspecies of Boa constrictor among themselves, because in our opinion, it should be the task of every responsible breeder, to maintain Boa constrictor as it occurs in the nature.
For instance, breeding a Boa c. imperator male from the distribution area El Salvador to a Boa c. imperator female from Honduras IS ALSO CROSS-BREEDING IN OUR EYES, although both animals are Boa c. imperator.
We place great importance upon acquiring only Boa constrictor subspecies whose origin and status as a pristine wildlife form has been determined beyond any reasonable doubt. In contrast to almost all other breeders we breed true subspecies AND true localities!
Nobody applies a more stringent standard in this matter as we do. We breed many of the Boa constrictor subspecies mentioned on this website.
We are also opposed to the production of "artificial boas" as it happens particularly in the U.S. Crossbred Boa constrictors with various genetic faults are bred among themselves there in order to produce "snowboas, jungleboas, chain-linkboas, ghostboas and so on..."
This is not our objective. Therefore we will not publish pictures of such "artificial boas" on our website.